Sunday, January 17, 2010

hey soul sister.

dear asian fuck who i used to share my entire life with,
i want NOTHING to do with you. please stop with the random texts. there is nothing left to mend. i fucked up once already and landed on your cock, but truthfully it was only to make your stupid ex gf/my stupid ex friend jealous. thats all it was about. i helped you out to get back at her and bust a load, and you cant even respond to my two text messages afterward? i was in love with you and you destroyed everything we had because you are unintelligent. you bastard. you are not getting your dick sucked everytime that stupid 'i look like im 12' cuntrag who used to be a very good friend of mine decides she wants to be a fucking nutjob and drive you crazy. try craigslist ads, you might get some play.
die soon plz,

dear supposed mother who carried me for almost 9 months and suffered childbirth to bring me into this world,
you have always been a vindictive coward. and now you ran away to florida with no word, no nothing. i hope youre sexual predator guido boyfriend treats you well. i hope you see the situation for what it really is, instead of continuing to live in that fantasy world you call a life. you are miserable. you used to be fun. but youve always just been a dumb bitch i guess. i loved you, you fucked me over. blood is apparently not thicker than your stupid boyfriends wallet. which is usually empty.
give up the facade,

thats all for the hate today. i feel much better now. thanks blogger. xoxo.

ps. totally falling in love with a guatemalan who could up and leave me to go home and be with his girlfriend. i wonder what she looks like. i heard latinas are loca. i have clearly not gotten a grip on life yet. and have no intentions to. MUCH LOVE.

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she's always looking for something.

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the only word to accurately describe me? frantic. you'll see.

oh, i think they like me.

so afraid of getting bored.