Saturday, February 13, 2010

ramble rambo.

my brain operates in two languages; english and spanish.

in my head, i sound pretty sexy thinking spanish thoughts.

seriously, ive lost it. and i embrace it.

trying to learn and memorize and UNDERSTAND a different language is exhausting at times.

mentally anyway.

ive got the physical part down. AYYYYY.

if i dont get something for valentines day, im wiping guatemala off the map.

hell will be raised, for sure.

and if i dont trip and fall on a weiner soon, i might spontaneously combust.

figuratively speaking, of course.


ive come to the conclusion that everything i thought i knew about love was a lie.

some huge facade that i created in my head and that my sig other played into.


fuck you guys, why didnt you smack me?

not that i wouldve listened. im so hard headed.

find me a chinese woman and some massage oils.

PLEASE. goodnight/goodmorning. xoxo.

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she's always looking for something.

My photo
the only word to accurately describe me? frantic. you'll see.

oh, i think they like me.

so afraid of getting bored.